By exposing communities of African Americans, Latinos and persons of lower socioeconomic backgrounds to S.T.E.A.M. resources and experiences, we are able to build their educational capacity and professional possibilities. Program highlights include a recent Coded Beats Club session in partnership with 2112 Chicago, STEAM Day at Dett Elementary, and our April STEAM Pop-Up sessions.
Consider donating today to Sunshine for Students today to support more CPS students like the ones below: |
STEAM Student Spotlight: Terrell Washington
Professional Musicians Join the Coded Beats Club
STEAM Storytelling with Aleko
A total of 99 8th grade students at our four partner schools participated in the “Art of Storytelling” sessions.
Machine Learning with Northwestern
Learn More About our ImpactClick to read more highlights about our S.T.E.A.M., A-Team, Visions for Families, and Read with Me! programs in our FY2020 Annual Report now! |